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Early Intervention

Why it's important

The early childhood years matter a lot – experiences in these years have lifelong consequences for health and wellbeing. The early years of development from conception until age five, and in particular the first 1000 days of development from conception to age two, have been the focus of increasing attention in recent years. The argument is that the first 1000 days are the period of maximum developmental plasticity, and therefore the period with the greatest potential to affect health and wellbeing over the life span. 

Psychologists can enhance child development

Psychologists have a critical role to play in working with families to facilitate loving and responsive caregiving, but also to work towards societal changes to ensure safe and nurturing communities for children that include support for parenting, secure housing, adequate nutrition and freedom from toxic substances. Psychologists are also well-placed to work with individual children who have experienced adversity (and their families) and who are at risk, or experiencing social, emotional or behavioural problems.

Common Challenges in Children and Young People


Fearful and anxious behaviour is common in children, however it will require additional psychological support if it starts to impact on your child's choices and opportunities


Emotional outbursts can be normal when your child is learning how to regulate their emotions. Some children are more sensitive than others, and can benefit from one-on-one support to learn better coping strategies for big emotions.


Childhood depression is different from the normal "blues" and everyday emotions that occur as a child develops. However if the sadness becomes persistent and interferes with their normal activities, interests, or family life, it is important to seek additional support.


People tend to view the world of children as happy and care free. After all, they don't have jobs or bills, so what's to stress about? Plenty! Everyone is susceptible to stress, and learning healthy coping techniques can help them manage school, social, or family stress.

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